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I was really tempted not to show off these screens due to the texture issue.. But I thought you guys would still love them. So here it is.. Super Mario 64 now rendering 3D.
<3 LoveMHz
Still sorting through all of the issues in RDP, mostly little/big endian conversion.. Also I’ve got controllers somewhat working so I can make it ingame on Super Mario 64. Should help since I’ll be able to pause the game and look for more constant data coming from the RDP.
In other news, another game boots =)
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Super Mario 64 running on the Xbox360..
Guys this is a first =)
Thanks to everyone that has supported me on IRC and everyone that has donated.
Yes, that’s right.. Mario is on the Xbox360.
Lack of blog posts, argh.. I told myself when I started this blog that I would update often (at least every 3 days at the latest).
About Love364, yes I changed the name ;D Currently we have the core, RSP, and audio implemented. A lot of work so far. Now what about video? Well it seems that every video plugin out there either uses OpenGL or DirectX with Fixed Pixel Pipelines which the Xbox360 does not support. Also due to the differences between Fixed Pixel Pipe-lining and HLSL a simple rewrite isn’t possible. So with the advice and over look of Zezu I have decided to write my own up to date graphics and RDP part of the emulation instead of hacking around Rice’s video code. Not much progress so far, expect I have been able to process and sort out the commands coming from the RSP. Still a lot of work todo. And thus the reason there isn’t any screenshots yet.
The general scoop of this is simple massive. Things can easily go wrong with around 20 basic commands and over 1,000 calls a second just for graphics. I easily I have my work cut out, even when I’m spending 10-12 hours a day coding.
Writing my own graphics plugin and RDP code has it’s pros, even though this just seems like a major set back.
Pros and Ideas:
So in general Love364 will hopefully redefine how N64 emulation looks and runs.
Current Emulation Status
Currently we are still running on one CPU core with little to no optimization
with everything run minus graphics at around %50 of the N64 speed. I’ve yet to
look into dynrec or inline function calling, but when the time comes there’s no
reason why we shouldn’t be able to easily hit 100% speed on emulation.
It’s been somewhat of a delay, but XeDOSBox’s Google Project page has been updated.. Also included are Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 project files. So check it out, start filling out bug reports, and let’s make this one Xbox360 port to remember.
Nothing much to say yet expect for that the first N64 emulator for the Xbox360
is in the works. Work has been progressing along smoothly for the last month now
and things are starting to shape up. No screenshots yet, but I’ll keep my blog
updated as things come along.
Donation button is now fixed. Sorry to the people that wanted to donate and couldn’t.. We had an issue with the PayPal account that we was using. All of that’s sorted out now. Donations are need as progress for new and exciting things to happen. Currently I have a few secret projects that I’m working on and of course some of it will take longer to make without your help. If you would like more details about what’s needed and would like to help then please contact me.
<3 LoveMHz